Taiwan bans Dog meat...

Taiwan has banned the eating of dogs and cats, lawmakers said Wednesday, as pressure grows to improve animal welfare after a spate of cruelty cases that stirred public outrage. Parliament passed legislation to outlaw the consumption, purchase or possession of dog and cat meat, with offenders facing a fine of up to Tw$250,000 ($8,170). Authorities can also name and shame those who break the law. “This shows that Taiwan is a society with advanced animal welfare,” said lawmaker Wang Yu-min who proposed the new rules. The bill also hiked the penalty for killing or abusing animals to a maximum two-year jail term and a stiff fine of Tw$2 million. Dog consumption — believed by some in Taiwan to help boost male potency — was common on the island decades ago but has become less popular amid growing calls to protect animal rights. In 2001, Taiwan amended its animal protection law to ban the slaughter of pets — which included dogs and cats — for food, although there was no penalty ...