Pastor Politics in Marriage... click to read.

Some things some Christians practice can be mind boggling, imagine the case of a Lady who was being approached by a young man for marriage. Each time this young man proposes to the Lady, her answer would always remain the same, which is that He must first accompany her to see her Pastor. The young man had no option but to oblige her. So on the appointed date they went to see her Pastor whom She had previously informed of the development, after His question and answer sessions to the young man, they prayed together and the Pastor asked them to pray and fast for three weeks for the Lord to give them a sign whether the marriage would be successful. The young man had to do just that according to Him to make His would be bride happy. This Guy is a working Class young man just like the Lady in question, they are both comfortable as young people, they love each other and are ready to get married but the Lady is the problem, while Her would be Husband is a #Catholic, She is a member of one t...