Now that D.S.P #Alameseigha is #dead, now that they have killed him, let his #corpse be #extradited to the #UK... they (UK) seems to lack the courage to call people #corrupt until they are no longer in power.

They say he who goes to equity must go with clean hands, those who accuse others of being corrupt need not be corrupt individuals themselves because that will only amount to pot calling the kettle black
so those who cover them up should be exposed as well. Britain should start pointing fingers at those who are corrupt in the present government now, those who no one has heard about, they should start telling us about their activities in the UK, they can start seizing cash now not waiting till another government comes and starts another so called war on corruption. James Ibori is in prison in the UK, Diezani has been arrested, why only prominent persons from a particular part of #Nigeria are the only ones being persecuted in the UK for corruption is too difficult to understand. D.S.P Alams, if you were truly innocent, then you need not Rest in Peace until you pick up all those who were responsible for your death and take them with you to the great beyond, because those who murder sleep, do not deserve sleep. R.I.P

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