President #Trump has the #antidote for #Nigeria ... see why.

President Donald Trump of the United States of America is the man who has the antidote for Nigeria. He may be facing some oppositions in his country but every country like Nigeria which has refused to develop it's self must have to be properly schooled in #Trumpism and #Trumpiology. Imagine if we have a Donald Trump that put us the ordinary citizens first in every thing. A man who thinks of how to create jobs for his people and how to protect the jobs created, how to to ensure that the big companies remain within the borders of his country. A man whose biggest problem is how to protect the life of her citizens and ensure that anyone dreaming of coming to his country is thoroughly screened at the point of entry, no matter what they say about this man, one thing is clear, this Man is a patriot at heart, a thorough bred American, a man who believes only in his country, a man who is faithful to his flag, if this man was a soldier, he is the type that is ready to defeat the...